Thursday, March 22, 2007



Man, is there a word that is capable of stressing out more people with just the mere utterance of it? Well, I know it stresses me out anyways.

I just wanted to share a brief God moment I had this week.

Wednesday was a very stressed out day for me. I received an invoice for my overseas health insurance from school that I'd have to pay them for, as well as for a college community fee. Upon receiving those I checked out my credit card status to realize it was pretty much maxed out.

Stress set in...and maybe even a few tears.

I have just gotten permission to work, but I am getting busier with school as essays are due soon (as soon as 6 days for my first one) and the next month proves to be a busy one with Easter, friends visiting from Canada (yay!), a couple weddings, and a mega squad that I'm in charge of planning for about 30 kids from Resi to attend. Needless to say, there aren't many jobs that I have the time for at the moment.

With all these thoughts flowing through my mind as I sat on my bed looking at my two invoices...stress and worry very nearly got the better of me. I finally took a deep breath....cleared my head...and just said "God, I'm putting this in your hands. That's all I can do."

An hour or two later, my friend Katherine rang me. She was ringing to ask if I wanted a babysitting job in the city. I nearly cried on the phone. Turns out, Thursday afternoons (which is the day I finish school at 1, and I am about 10 minutes away from the city) are perfect and I'm starting next week. It's for a 18 month old and a 3 year old, for a few hours a week, so that the mum can have some time to herself. It's perfect.

Even more perfect was when I got off the phone and my Godspell soundtrack was blaring out "thank you Lord....all good gifts around us...." Yah, I cried. What can I say? God is good.

It's nothing huge, and I'm still pretty much broke and having to take it one day at a time to work things out...but if nothing else it was a reminder to me that God's got it under control. He's got me this far, he won't leave me abandoned now.

~Big deep breath~

God is good.

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