Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Australia Day!

Well, the sunburn count is now up to three...but I've nearly recovered from the severe one I got on my back, and I think I'm slowly learning to be sun smart. I'll get there eventually I'm sure.

This week I went to the Melbourne Zoo. Finally got to see some Australian animals! (Believe it or not, kangaroos aren't just running wild every where you look.) Oh, Dionne and Donna...I definitely bought a kangaroo crossing sign at the zoo gift shop!

Things are still going well here on this side of the world. Yesterday I woke up to find that a package from my family had come. Definitely made my week! My favourite part of it was the t-shirt that included messages and favourite bible verses from my siblings, parents, grandparents, cousin, aunts and uncles. I'll be putting that up on my wall when I move into my house in Sunshine! It did make me feel homesick and I had kindof an off day...but I'm just trying to not let myself dwell on how much I miss my family.

The weather continues to be on a hot streak, as Sunday was 43 degrees, and today is pushing 40. But I guess it's still better then snow!

This weekend I think I'm heading up to a beach area called Apollo Bay for a couple days with one of the girls I've been hanging out with, so that should be some good relaxing time spent on the beach! (Yes mum...I'll remember the sunscreen!)

As a random thought to finish this off, I heard an interesting theory last night when I went out for dinner with a couple of girls. One of the girls in her psychology class learned a reason to explain the differences in how girls and guy categorize their relationships. Apparently, (keeping in mind this is just a general statement..choose to agree or disagree) males are able to put females they have relationships with into clearly labelled boxes. For example, if they have a girlfriend...she is in the girlfriend box. If they have a girl who is their best friend...she is in the best friend box. And if the relationship ends with their girlfriend, they take her out of that box, but maybe instead put her into the bestfriend box if they still consider her they're closest friend.

Then, in comparison...females have a sliding scale for the males they have relationships with. At one end of the spectrum could be complete stranger, and at the other end of the scale could be boyfriend. So as a female gets to know a male, he may slide up and down this scale, but what may be lacking are clear and definite lines as to if this male is the best friend, or if he is the object of a crush, or when he becomes the boyfriend.

So, this rational was used I think to explain how girls often have difficulties falling for guys who are their "best friends" or guys they spend a lot of time with because their lines are blurred as to where one aspect of their relationships starts and the other one ends. While it seems to be easier for guys to continue to think of a girl as just their friend, because she's clearly labelled in the "just friend" box.

Any thoughts? I thought an was an interesting way of looking at it anyways.

Oh, and if in need of a laugh, or you are a David Hasselhoff fan...give this link a look see.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Another music camp under my belt...

I'm back in Melbourne now after spending the week in Philip Island for the Victorian Creative Arts Camp (VCAC).

The first day or so that I was there was a bit hard, and to say I felt nervous and out of place was an understatement. I realized that being in a very crowded room filled with people that I didn't know, but who all knew each other, is one of the most lonely experiences of my life. I definitely struggled a bit with feeling homesick, and not sure exactly what I was doing there...but I got a lot of support from my good mate Matt, as well as my new fellow foreigner friend Callum, who pushed me through the first couple of days.

But in the end, I had an amazing time, and met a lot of incredible people (like you Bec!). It was different to any Canadian music camp that I've been to in that it was so much more laid back and relaxed. There was no auditions for anything, and everyone (about 120 of us) were in one massed vocal group that performed the final night at the concert. I was in drama and dance, and had an amazing time in both. I found I was able to come out of my shell in the drama sessions, and wasn't afraid of embarrassing myself in front of a group of strangers. Dance was definitely my favourite, and Claire had put together an absolutly incredible routine that looked amazing when we performed it the night of the concert.

The last night we were at the camp there was a bit of a praise and worship night. It was very different to the type that we had at Territorial, but it was still neat to see how God was working in so many lives. When sitting with Callum that night we were reflecting how it looks when youth are being moved by God back home for me in Canada, and back home for him in Scotland. And it was interesting to notice that no matter where in the world you are, and although there are always slight variations....God still moves. God is international and he speaks to us no matter where we are. It's definitely a comforting thought for me, especially when I'm feeling homesick, to know that no matter where I go, who I meet, and what I do...God is constant and unchanging.

I met a lot of incredible people this past week, and it continued to blow my mind how genuinely friendly everyone was! I had youth of all ages continually asking me if I was doing alright and if I was enjoying myself. I had a few people who were absolutly obsessed with my "accent" (which still blows me away because I don't think I have an accent at all!) and I don't think I've ever said "out and about" so many times in one week in my life.

I enjoyed getting an opportunity to lead the girls devotions one night, as well as leading a prayer meeting one morning. Definitely made me feel useful in some way, and again kind of putting me out of my comfort zone when I'm in a situation where nearly everyone is a complete stranger to me.

So I know a few more people now...and some people who I'll definitely be keeping in touch with while I'm here and most likely meeting up with to hang out with and get to know some more (as well as I found someone who will take me surfing! heyooh!).

Oh...side note...I also tried Vegimite for my first time this week. It was kindof vile, and tasted like dirty cheese...but I did manage to eat the whole piece of toast!

I've posted the few pictures that I did take during the week up on my msn space...and when we get out picture cds from the week at camp, I'll definitely post those stay tuned!

But now it's time for church.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

Survived my first week...

I've been enjoying a fairly relaxing summer holiday over the past week...Definitely a nice break. The weather has been gorgeous and I have been loving all the sun. Although currently I'm dealing with a pealing nose and forehead as I got a pretty bad sunburn earlier this week (you'd think I'd learn by now that I'm a red head...sunscreen is my best friend!).

I've seen lots of scenic sights around Melbourne, and have been taking lots of pictures (check them out on my msn space).

Yesterday I had a random highlight to my trip. While out running some errands with Matt, he got a phone call on his cell for me. General Eva Burrows had called and asked to talk to me. I was caught totally guard as that was the last person I was expecting to give me a call! But she said that she's heard all about me, and is very excited to have me in Australia. She also asked what Halsey I was related to, and turns out she knows my Grandpa Halsey very well. I guess it's good to know that people are excited to have me here!

Tomorrow morning we head off to "Afresh" Salvation Army Music Camp for the week. Please keep me in your prayers as I'm definitely, about going to yet another music camp after finally facing my fears in August and going to Territorial...and two, about going to a camp where I know pretty much nobody. I'm in the dance and drama electives....both things which I'm not very talented at, so I'm just a tad worried about it.

Overal though, things are going well. I definitely miss friends and family though, but it is good to be able to call and email them at any time which makes things a lot easier.

Feel free to keep emailing me, as I love hearing about everything that's going on in the great white north!


Monday, January 02, 2006

Booyah master chief

I just got an email from my sister this morning, passing on that I've gotton a label onto Jones Soda...again!! Heyyyyoh!!

Check out the picture below to see the label that I got on. It's of one of the guys I met when I was in England back in May. (Yes Chris...they took the label off of the back of his shirt!)

Mission for people in Canada...keep your eyes peeled for a Jones Cream Soda with this label!! If you find one, buy it and don't drink it and hold on to it for me!

P.S. Thank you to everyone who has been sending me emails from home!! I'm definitely loving hearing from everyone and it makes my day to hear about all the going ons in Canada!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from down under!!

I just rung in the new year at a Gangster Swing Party...good times indeed.

We listened to a fantastic swing band play, and everyone in attendance was dressed as gangsters or flappers from the 1920s era.

Definitely a unique experience, and a first for me for going out swing dancing.

I hope everyone else has a brilliant New Years!


P.S I posted some scenic pictures from a walk along the Yarra River last night. Check them out on my MSN space.