Thursday, July 06, 2006

From the bottom of a canyon...

Here's another passage from the book I'm currently reading, "Through Painted Deserts." It's one of my favourite things I've read so far from this book, so I thought I'd share. It's what the author, Donald Miller, wrote in his journal to himself, from the bottom of the grand canyon, while on his trip across the U.S with his friend Paul.

"I figure you might forget what kind of person you were back when you were on this trip. I want you to know you weren't a bad guy. But you fell into thinking a lot of money and a lot of stuff and a lot of social collateral would get you somewhere. And I don't know who you are now, and what you've done with your life, but try to remember, God doesn't expect you to accumulate a lot of stuff. You were really happy here in the canyon, you know, I promise it's true. I guess I just want you to remember there was a time when you did a pretty difficult hike, and you decided that you didn't need to carry a bunch of stuff on your back because the climb was too hard. And I don't know who is around you, whether you met a woman or have some kids, but I really hope you have shown them this stuff, that life is going to be okay, that you just have to enjoy it. If you can't buy a nice car for your family or anything, don't worry about it. Just go into your kids' room and kiss them on the forehead, okay, 'cause there is all kinds of beauty and it doesn't have anything to do with having some stuff. Also, don't kick yourself around. If you can't climb out of a canyon real quick, just do it slow. And also just remember that this guy Paul is one of the most incredible people in your life. There was a time when he showed you a lot of grace. I don't know what else to say. You're a pretty good person, you know. God made a whole beautiful earth and decided to put you in it, to experience all of this beauty. You can't do that watching television all the time. Nothing else. I have to go climb out of a hole. Maybe you do too. All the best. Feel like I'm talking to myself, for crying out loud."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is so true, there were many times that I would go into your rooms when you kidlets were little just to bask in the glow of the gift of you that God gave us.

gives peace, tranquility, hope, so many positive things

life is good. One day at a time