Where is the time going? When I made the decision to leave the country it seemed like it would be ages until the end of December actually came...but alas, time is flying by. Now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the 23 hour plane ride goes by just as fast...
I'm finding it harder and harder to get myself in the mode of getting ready to leave for a long journey away from home. Getting my mind into the perspective that the people who I love and I am closest to, I won't be seeing for a very long time. I'm caught in some cases of wanting to distance myself to make it easier for when I do leave, but in the same thought wanting to spend as much time as possible to cherish the next two months that I have in Canada. It's also been a lot harder then I thought it would be to try and stay in good standing with all my family and friends, to make sure that I won't be leaving with any bitter feelings or unresolved issues. Well, not so much as being harder then I thought...but more then I didn't really expect the issues to come up that have been coming up. But you live and learn...
Although I've always disliked the idea of a big city, despite always living in Toronto...recently I'm finding a new appreciation for the area I do live in. I realized on a prayer walk last Friday night how much time I've wasted looking beyond my neighbourhood to do things for God, and turning a blind eye to my immediate surroundings. I've travelled into the heart of downtown Toronto lots of times in efforts to meet people living on the streets, or spent a lot of time in Regent park building relationships or joining in their prayer walks. But last Friday I joined the East Toronto crew as we took a stroll up Danforth and took some time to pray for the area. It totally hit me in a new and different way as we took the time to pray for a bar that I've actually spent time in hanging out with friends back in highschool...and prayed right by Main station, where I have been travelling through with TTC nearly my entire life...and prayed for the community that I have been living in for the past 22 years. It really hit me hard how all too often I'm looking beyond a broken community that I in fact live in, to try and find ways for God to use me. It was definitely an awakening experience...and also a good reminder for me that there will be a reason for me to come home again after Australia, because my own community still needs God in a big way.
Just to finish off...here's a couple short video clips of the cutest three year old in life...
Jesus Loves Me
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