Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's game time.

Well, it's the end of another hectic week, and we're on a much needed long weekend off.

We had three more days of training this week, which is always a challenge to sit and listen for hours on end about things that aren't necessarily too interesting, and at the same time try and remember as much as possible that will be needed for this upcoming year.

Commonwealth games start in just four days. Everything going on at Melbourne at the moment is literally revolving around these games. Flags and banners are up all over the city advertising it, every shop and restaurant has some sort of Commonwealth games merchandising, and everyone is trying to brace themselves for the horrid traffic flow that is going to be greeting us in driving around the city, and on the public transport.

At 614 we're also preparing. It's not really certain how the people that we know and work with every day at the Lifecentre (drop in centre) are going to react to the games. We've already noticed an increased tension amoung people the past couple of days at the knowledge that soon their city is going to be flooded with strangers. For 7 days during the games the hours at the Lifecentre is being changed from 10-1, to 10-8...which means our schedules also change during the games to take turns on shifts to make sure all the hours are covered. We aren't entirely sure if we'll see a decrease in people dropping in, due to the rumours going around that police will be kicking the homeless out of the city during the games...or that we'll see a huge increase because so many will just be looking for a place to hide away and take some space from all the activity that will be going on. Either way, it'll be an interesting experience.

Canadians are certainly making a name for themselves during the preparations for the games. It's been all over the media how the Canadians have complained that there is no air conditioning in their living accommodations, and that Melbourne is too hot for them to stay here without it. So apparently they are looking at buying heaps of fans to bring with them, just so they can survive this intense heat. I know they're coming straight from a bitter cold winter out there in the great white north...but common guys! Making it sound as if us poor Eskimos out there in the west never experience any heat!

For anyone who watched the video tour I put up of my house, I took another one so that you can actually see my room. Click here to view it!

But, I guess that's about it for now. I'm still alive and well and things are very good overal. I'm going to go and relax and enjoy the long weekend (and the hot weather..It's gone back up to 35!).



Anonymous said...

as always a pleasure to read your blog.

FYI .. Grandma Harris was online yesterday checking out your pictures and video clips.

She was very impressed.

Love you

-jess- said...

Yay for video clips! Your room looks wonderful:) Nice to see myself on your wall..ha ha ha ha!

Miss you and love you lots!


Anonymous said...

Auntie Mel

Essie, The best part of your video clip was seeing your smiling face. You look wonderful. Wish I could be there to give you a great big hug.

Just want to remind you how proud I am of you and everything you are doing in Australia.

You are missed terribly, but I know that you are doing God's work. Keep up the good work and keep smiling. You are a blessing.

Oh yeah, don't forget to wear sunscreen! (lol)

Love you lots!

Auntie Mel