Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My humility will be known throughout the world...

Pet Peeves. Got any? I’ve got a few, although I don’t always remember them at a moments notice.

One I’ve had since I was a kid, and that is when people try to engage me in a conversation when I’m deeply into a book that I’m reading. Of course if someone needs to talk to me about something important, or if it’s just someone saying hello or checking in or me…that doesn’t bother me. But it’s when for whatever reason someone thinks that I’m only reading because I’m bored, and they’re going to relieve me from that boredom by making continual attempts to start up a conversation I don’t want to have. My family knew right from when I as young not to bother me when I was reading, and my mom even bought me a cheesy bookmark with a horse on it that said “don’t nag me, I’m reading” to poke fun at my pet peeve.

Another pet peeve I’ve only just come to realize over the past 6 months or so. It’s being told that I’m better then someone else. I definitely don’t want that to come across as me saying that this happens all the time, or that people just drop it in every day conversation that I’m better then someone. But to have someone say to you, “you know, you’re better then them.” How do you take that? Myself…I’ve realized…I get mad. The things that run through my mind tend to be…what kind of twisted view do you have of me to think me better then other people? Or…how dare you think that low of the person you’re comparing me to? As well as…who has given you the right to compare people to one another?

I know that I have pride, and that in some areas of my life I really struggle with being humble and allowing God to be in control. I think that’s another reason that this is a pet peeve of mine and gets me so angry…because I don’t see it as a favour or as a compliment from whoever is saying it. I see it as a lie that is trying to inflate the pride that I already struggle with letting God break down.

I think it’s an unfair and unjust thing to be compared to someone else. What do you base your comparison on? Looks? Intelligence? Wit? Their talents and abilities? Popularity? How “close” they are with God? What kind of scale do you use to make the call who is better at what, and at what point in time do you decide that you know someone well enough that you are entitled to make that judgement?

So, I guess my pet peeve isn’t just from hearing someone say to me that they think I’m better than “so-and-so,” but also just the idea in general that people have this need to compare themselves and others to those around them. It really isn’t a compliment to either party, and it puts you into a position of being a judge of something you were never meant to judge.

I suppose I could rant about this for a long time, so I’ll end it now. Just wanted to put those thoughts out there while they were fresh on my mind.


Anonymous said...

Your posting is a very challenging one. I admit that sometimes I compare myself to others (usually when I am not sure of myself) but I don't believe I would ever say to someone, that they are better than someone else.

God has created us each as special individuals and that is something to be cherished.

Keep smiling and continue to be the wonderful person God has made you.

Love you lots!


Anonymous said...

Very well done hon. Imagine bothering someone when reading or rescuing them. Silly little people.

Glad to see you're aware of "labels" people still hand out ... "you are better then" ... I agree .. no-one has the right to compare ....

It is not done with negative intention, look on them as nieve ...

Context is everything ....

Being self aware is awesome hon, just don't rent it space in your head ...

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Okay so that was an excellent post BUT this comment has absolutely nothing to do with that. I just wanted to give you a virtual high five for listening to Jamie Cullum!! I totally love him! I just bought his new CD today. What a coincedence! And that's it...

Anonymous said...

To me the comment "you're better than that" is right up there with "you were raised better than that" is used to deny how difficult it is for anyone to keep to the course God has set for them. Somehow inate goodness gives you a discount on your efforts.

I know for sure that Jesus was a way better person than me, yet I know the struggles he faced with temptation were way bigger than my own, especially since he could have called on God to bail him out any time.

The childish part of me doesn't me doesn't like the comment for the same reason I've never much care for the story of the prodigal son. I'm certainly no better a person than the prodigal son, in fact worse because I've chronic difficulties swallowing my pride when I need to.