I'm actually writing this based on something that happend last Friday, but it just occured to me today to write about it on my blog...so here it goes.
Most people are familiar with the Salvation Army hockey leagues that take place during this time of year. For several years now I've gone on Friday nights to York Uni to watch the Salvo league that plays there as I have lots of friends who play on the various teams. Hockey isn't my favourite sport, but I do enjoy watching it, especially when it's free, and I know the people who are playing.
So anyways...this past Friday...during one of the games, a little situation occured. (I'm going to try and keep this as vague as possible and not mention names.) Some minor contact happend between players of opposite teams, and surprise surprise, someone got a little upset. Then later when the teams were shaking hands, one of the players refused to shake the hand of the one he had an "encounter" with earlier in the game. After that some sarcastic remarks were exchanged, and one of the players got more then a little upset, and this was very visible from the risers where we were sitting. After the teams had cleared the ice and gone back to their change rooms, us spectators went out to wait for our friends to come out. A good 20/30 minutes later when all the players had come out of their change rooms, another situation arose. It seems the player who had gotton so upset over the sarcastic remarks exchanged on the ice had not let go of what had happend. He stood in the middle of a group of us, and began to curse and yell very loudly at the other player who he had his encounter with earlier. I think his anger was continually fueled as the person he was yelling at just smiled and didn't seem to let it bother him, and continually said "just don't hold a grudge...leave it on the ice." The angry hockey player having gotton more then his two cents in, and used up his limit of swear words in one conversation, finally walked off, still yelling "watch your back..."
Now, to anyone who participates in hockey, or watches hockey, I'm sure this kindof display of anger, and "getting into the game" doesn't surprise you. Probably to people who have watched a lot of Salvation Army leagues also aren't surprised, as this unfortunatly seems to be a usual occurance...or something along these lines anyways.
I know that I don't play hockey, and I'm not a guy, so I can't "understand" the emotions that soar and rage well playing a game, and just how vital these games are to complete a guys life. But is a sport really an excuse to become just like everyone else?
I know that just like with people in the Salvation Army who might go into uniform just to play in the band or songsters, there are probably alot of people playing in the league who really don't consider themselves Christians, or live the life even if they do. But what kind of example are we showing here? We're not in our church atmosphere...we are THE SALVATION ARMY representing ourselves..in a very public place! Lots of other leagues play there, and not everyone there on a Friday night are from the Salvation Army.
Can I tell you how embarassed and ashamed I felt on Friday night, standing there watching this situation unfold?? I mean I can understand if minor contact during a game, even in a "no contact" league, occurs, thats part of the game....but does that automatically give you the right to curse and swear and threaten other players? Especially once you've left the ice??
I think for Salvation Army players...okay, let me rephrase that...for Christian hockey players, the game is a test. Every hit, every bump, every encounter with another player on the ice is a test. A test to see who u really are. People may give the excuse that who they are on the ice, isn't who they really are...it's just their "game face". Well guess what? God doesn't stop caring about what kindof reputation you are giving to His people, just because you've laced up some shoes with blades on the bottom of it, and are chasing a rubber puck up and down on a frozen floor. I think that the game is a test for you to show your true character, and if God's love really is in you.
Do you swear? Do you yell? Do you threaten? Do you hold grudges? Are these things that you know you shouldn't be doing in your every day life? Then what makes them okay once you're playing a game? And it is JUST a game...and if it means so much more to you then that, that its become more important then how you are living for God and the kind of Christian that you are...then you are in serious need of examining your priorities.
Okay, I think thats about it for me venting about this because it's getting long. And I know its probably a touchy issue for a lot of people who play in this league. But let me say, that this is just my opinion, and something that has been bothering me for a long time. And I also just want to make clear that in no way shape or form am I saying that everyone who plays in these leagues are like this. There are a LOT of really good guys out on that ice, just there to have fun, and demonstrating real sportsmanship. And to you guys I say..keep it up!! You are an awesome represenation of the Salvation Army!!!
So..on that note. Let me know what you think!
God Bless!
I don't think their is a need for such brutality, no matter where it happens. Wether its in the church or on a sheet of ice, these men and women are representing the Army of the Lord, and i know for myself i don't want people who go to these games thinking thats how the Army league is. Because its not. And it would be a shame if little squabbles like that made that impression. I think people should act the same way on the ice as they do on a Sunday, and if they can't do that maybe they need to re-evaluate their position in not on the League, but the "Army too". That's all. Hope it made sense..
Yah that definilty made sense! And I totally agree with everything that you said!!
Who is this by the way?
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