Wednesday, December 15, 2004

We shall win with fire and blood!

My Grandpa suggested to me to look up this song, so I thought that I would share it. It's definilty an inspiring one. I bolded the words that stood out to me..but there is still so much more. I'm still taking in all that this song inspired in me. Did it strike up anything in you?

"Pray for liberty in the service of our wondrous, loving Lord" - Bruce Halsey

Jesus, give thy blood-washed Army (Song #593)

Jesus, give thy blood-washed Army
Universal liberty;
Keep us fighting, trusting calmly
For a world-wide jubilee.
We shall have the victory.

Thou hast bound brave hearts together,
Clothed us with the Spirit's might,
Made us warriors forever,
Sent us in the field to fight.
In the Army
We will serve thee day and night.

'Neath thy scepter foes are bending,
And thy name makes devils fly;
Captives' fetters thou art rending.
And thy blood doth sin destroy.
For thy glory
We will fight until we die.

Lift up valleys, cast down mountains,
Make all evil natures good;
Wash the world in Calvary's fountain,
Send a great salvation flood.
All the nations
We shall win with fire and blood.

William James Pearson (1832-92)

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