As I've mentioned in a previous blog I absolutly love conversations with people, especially ones face to face. And I think a huge part of the lull I found myself in this past week, and the difficultly I've had over the past few months, is that lack of real solid conversations with people. I spent this past year just building relationships with people through conversation, and in turn, building my own faith through it. And then when September rolled around, I lost all those relationships I had built (well, by that I mean seeing those people every day and being able to talk for hours on end on a daily basis with them). And that hit me really hard.
But this week has been different. Yesterday I had an absolutely fabulous conversation with a new friend of mine, while sitting at a Tim Hortons. And I can't even begin to type out all the topics and areas that we covered in our conversation, because it just covered so much...but it was all just really good. And it definitly got my thoughts going about a lot, which is a really good thing because since September my mind hasn't been getting challenged like it should be! So since that conversation, almost none stop, my thoughts have just been going crazy about so many topics, and because of that today I had another fabulous conversation with Scarboroughs wonderful youth pastor.
So...something that at this exact moment is going through my mind, which is an unleashed thought since I had the conversation yesterday at Timmies. It definitly seems to be a reoccuring theme over the past little while from people that I've been talking to, that something needs to happen. The youth of the Salvation Army needs to unite, the passion and fire that started the Sally Ann needs to be re-ignited, and we need to get out of our comfy pews and beyond our church walls, and back out into the community building relationships like we used to do.
So, we have that established. I think a lot more people then I've talked to are also sharing these thoughts but either feel that they're alone on it and aren't saying anything, or they're talking but no one is listening. Either way, this is pretty much the feeling of a lot of youth and young adults in the Salvo community is feeling (actually, I won't limit it to just that, I'm sure a lot of the "older generation" would love to see a revival of the good 'ol days of the Army).
So now what? There is definitely the willingness, the awareness and the un-tapped passion and talent just waiting for something to happen. And I am a firm believer that something is going to happen my friends...there is something brewing that God is just waiting to let loose. But what do we do until then? Or is it even a matter of waiting for God to hand us the answer on a silver platter? Do we just spend the next while in prayer and patience waiting for divine inspiration? Or do we already have the answer and the means and no one is stepping up to get the ball rolling? And if it's just a matter of getting united and getting it going, then what is the 'it' that needs to happen? A huge dramatic change in the way our Salvation Army churches and programs are already being run? Or just another church with a 'modern' spin to it?
We definitely need to get away from just being hyped up and excited about 'saving the world' and realize that we need to start right in our own backyards and we have to stop just getting on the 'moutain top' with our emotions and actually commit to something that is going to be permanent and beneficial to the cause. And I think a lot of the solution has to do with community, communication and buildling relationships with people...but that's a whole other rant.
So, let me hear your ideas, your thoughts, your 'divine inspirations'...and remember...we are all on the same side, fighting for the same cause...and we're definitly not alone with our situations, thoughts or conflicts (which I was so wonderfully reminded of yesterday..thx :)
Comment away!
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