Tuesday, July 26, 2005

At the end of the day...

At the end of the day...the sun will still set

No matter what struggles I face or obsticles get in my way

No matter what hurt I've felt or ache that pains my heart

No matter what words have been spoken or tears that have been cried

No matter what plans have been changed or promises that have been broken

At the end of the day...it's still just You and me God


Heather Princess said...

That's beautiful! That picture is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Esther Bester Fester Tester. Just wanted to remind you that you are not still in the same place that you were a year ago...even though you are in the same place physically. You are not the same person you were a year ago. Your faith has grown, your relationship with God has grown, your experience as a Christian has grown, so relax and let God do what He does best. "As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me." John 9:4. The sun has not set yet on what God has called you to do, and your purpose.