Sunday, May 28, 2006

Thank God for the Salvos

Well, it's Red Shield Appeal weekend. The weekend where the Salvation Army collects money either door to door, street corners, or at intersections all throughout the country.

It's mid day on Sunday, and I've still got 4 more hours of collecting ahead of me, but I'm already pretty beat. I think that this is the most full on collecting I've ever done with the Salvation Army. Two hours Thursday in a train station, two hours Friday in a train station, four hours yesterday at an intersection, eight hours today at an intersection, two hours tomorrow in a train station, and two hours on Tuesday in a train station.

But we're more then half way finished, and it hasn't been all bad. Just from our church alone we collected about $10,000 yesterday, and thats really amazing. We've had several bizarre interactions with people, lots of sore backs and tired legs, and standing out in some cold and wet weather....but I know that God will use the money raised in some incredible ways to minister to those in need in this country.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you think its interesting that all over the world money is collected for The Salvation Army ... Vancouver with your grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins ... Toronto ... with family ... Georgia with family ........ everywhere

love you