Thursday, November 16, 2006

Another one bites the dust...

And I've lost yet another friend to the black hole of myspace.

Can I just ask....what's the attraction?

Maybe it's because I'm no longer a teen so I don't understand the passion for blinking and sparkly clip art, horrible html coding, sporadic blogs all over the page about what your hair colour says about your sleep position, random comments that make no sense because they're either from very excitable teens or people who only post half a thought every couple of days, or the extremely long time it takes to load the page due to all of the above as well as the flash backgrounds and music added in for that extra touch.

I've heard the reason "it's for keeping in touch!" Well..what happened to msn? I know that every teen is still addicted to that, as well as many people who are 20+, so why can't you just say what you need to in a conversation on msn? And even in the latest version of msn messenger, you can leave messages for people who aren't online, so that they can receive it the next time they're on. Or...heaven forbid...just email the person. There's even the option (I might be stretching it now) of actually ringing the person you need to pass on a message to (or just sending an sms message which is the addiction that has captured Australia by storm). Though I know, none of the above are quite as fun as leaving a comment full of "!!!", words in capitals, statements like "you're so cool!", and random blurbs that fill me in on what colour eyes you had in a previous life.

And for anyone who will give me the reason that it's because it's faster then msn space....I will laugh. If you're looking for a quick and easy way to have somewhere to get blogs up, on a page that loads quickly....then I divert your attention to the engine that is powering this

For now I'll just have to accept the rational that people just need a space to put up their latest "rad" picture they've taken of themselves, as well as a way of leaving silly messages on other people's spaces because it's the "cool" way to communicate and tell everyone you have too much time on your hands nowadays. But we all know that I'm against anything that's "cool" and all that it stands for....

I guess that and the fact that I refuse to be apart of an online community that the children I work with use to keep in touch with their friends....who are also children.

And I think thats about all I have to say on the subject.


The @ said...

theres many ways i could tackle this issue but i'd keep it at simple.

apart from people getting their music out there, myspace is a technical joke.

Most pages look like someone has thrown up on them, and thats including some of these so called, famous pages.

And the fact that now people are wanting to try and have More MYSPACE FRiends than anyone else, goes to show you that people are starting to value quantity of friends over quality.

haha and funny that the reason it was made was because of blogs and most people don't even use the blog part.

Oh and to all the 20+ year olds out there writing like 15 yr olds... I dont have anything more to say

PS. most of them hurt my head to read becasue people don't know 101 about color contrasts

sorry a bit harsh, but like Es, I'm over it before it even started. Gotta Rant sometime

The @ said...

*cough* fav song playing?
Try loading more than 1 myspace at a time

Won't be your favourite song anymore

-jess- said...

I admit...I am a myspace loser!! When you are a hermit crab and your friends are here, there and timbuck two it beats sitting in my room and talking to myself when I should be studying or writing papers. And yes...I fill out those damn surveys because I have nothing better to do with my time.

HA HA I so can't sound serious at all. I've just come to the conclusion that well...I'm a retard and retards like to do retarted things. So why not? meh...

Esther Atkins said...

an excellent point! and one that i've utilized recently to put up a photo slide show, as well as posting videos onto my blog!