Saturday, November 25, 2006

Lizards and Losses

I'd like to share a little story of my moment this weekend where my true idiocy showed.

Friday night, as I was about to get into the car, I kicked something. Turned was a blue tongued lizard. Yes, I did the girly thing, and screamed and jumped back...mostly because that was the last thing I was expecting to step on in the drive way. I told Matt what I saw and we both watched it as it ran and hid under the car. So, of course, I decided I needed to take a picture. I told Matt to chuck me the keys to get into the house, and thinking VERY logically, I put my wallet on the boot of the car so I wasn't carrying too many things in my hand. I came back, and took several pictures of the lizard (Frank, as I'd like him to be called) and then made sure he was away from the car as Matt backed out of the drive way.

Two hours later....Matt says to me "so, do you have any money on you?" OH CRAP. "umm...I think I left the wallet on the back of the car when we left the house...."

So what followed was 2 hours of searching the streets around Matt's house and knocking on neighbours doors, to see if they had seen my missing wallet. As well as me ending up in my bed, under the covers, crying for a great deal of the night. (Hey..try being a Canadian in Australia and losing all your Aus & Can ID! Especially when you're going home in 3 weeks!!)

ANYWAYS, Saturday morning, both Matt and I had another look around the streets, but with no luck. We ended up going to the local police station to fill in a report of lost property. After filling out the form, the police officer went back to photocopy the sheet for me so I had a copy. She came back about 10 minutes later....WITH MY WALLET!!! To say I was happy was an understatement. I danced and screamed and even fell on the floor I was so excited. Turns out, it fell off of the car on the first big turn we did by Matt's house, and a family in the neighbourhood picked it up and turned it into the police station.

So, what have I learned? Yesterday we did two hours in the prayer room at Resi, so I ended up spending some time reflecting and thinking about that question after the drama of Friday night. I've learned that I'm good at being calm and positive in a stressful situation...when it's not about me. I've learned that I'm good at having faith in God in big decisions...when I have time to process them and they're a long way off. But, as it turns out, I lack the ability to remain calm and to just trust God when a life line of mine is cut in a split second, and my "source" of identity and finance is gone with one very silly move. I also learned that through the entire ordeal of about 16 hours, I put myself down a lot. There was no one to blame for the mistake but myself...and boy did I ever blame myself. But I have also learned that yes it was a very silly thing to do..but I'm not the first person to do something like this, and won't be the last. So though my pride may have taken a blow, I need to suck it up, laugh about it, and get over it. As well as the fact that God is good. I was missing my wallet for a total of about 16 hours, and I had it returned to me with nothing missing. I've learned that I need to trust God to provide for all my needs (including ID and finance) in both the small and large things...and through Him, all things are possible!! He is good. This might not have ended with me finding my wallet...but I should have entered into the situation with the mindset that God will provide, no matter what the outcome, instead of thinking that if I didn't get my wallet back, my life was over.

And I guess that's about all I can say on the subject. A dramatic weekend, a good story to tell, some lessons learned, and a renewed sense of provision from God.
To finish off, here is Frank.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow talk about exhausting and scarey.

For those of us who have lost their wallets before (i remember I had left my wallet when i was out with brian at a coffee shop downtown) and wow, all of a sudden you feel invisible, non existent, vulnerable. Isn't it funny how we allow pieces of plastic to govern our self identity.

It's not like someone I loved was struck down with illness, its not like they couldn't be replaced.

God is good. He takes amazing care of us and sometimes we just lose focus and become .. human.

Pass it forward Hadassah .. someone did a good deed for you .. pass it on .. randomly

love u

and no i won't take care of your pet lizard, i'm sure friday wouldn't like him ...

