Thursday, November 24, 2005

Random Moments

Just wanted to write a quick post about a random beautiful moment I witnessed today.

I was on the Dawes bus heading down to Regent Park for the second time today. Three teenage girls got on shortly after I did. They sat at the very back of the bus, but were only seated a few moments before the bus driver was yelling back at them. He asked if they had ripped a ticket in half to make it look like two tickets. Turns out they did. So the driver stopped at the next stop and announced back to them that they would have to either put in another fare, or one of the three of them would have to get off. The girls yelled up a story that they had dropped a ticket down the sewer, so they were just trying to cover for the loss...but the bus driver wasn't having any of it and told them they needed to pay, get off or he was calling it in.

Now these girls were not being nice about the situation. They were sucking their teeth, making ridiculous remarks "under their breath" and doing their best to keep their cool and trendy teenage appearance despite being caught in the act of doing something they shouldn't be. As one girl yelled up to the front that they didn't have any more fare to put in...the thought crossed my mind to get some change out of my wallet and give it to them. But it was a fleeting thought as the frustration I get for these type of "punk" teens kicked back in (I'm getting so old...), and instead I ignored the conversation between them and the driver by turning up my discman.

While the debate between the two parties was getting more heated, and voices were getting raised...a little old lady who had been sitting up at the front stood up. She had to be in her 70's at least, and she moved very slow, and took her time. My first thought was that she couldn't handle the loud conversation that was taking place and was heading for the back doors. But I was wrong.

She walked right up to those three rebellious teenagers and asked "how much do you need?" I was shocked. I turned off my music to hear how the girls would respond. Not missing a beat the one girl who needed the fare said she only had a quarter. So the elderly lady quickly pulled out enough change for her to pay the bus driver. A quick thank you was offered up and the girl walked briskly up to the front and put the fare in, and was back in her seat before the older lady had even made it back to the front of the bus.

Nothing else was said about it. The void that separates the generations was crossed for a few brief moments...and then it passed. The bus driver closed the doors and began to drive. The little old lady got off the bus about two stops later. The girls rode the bus until we reached the station, and they said nothing about the kindness that was shown to them from a complete stranger.

An interesting and beautiful moment which definitely got me thinking about a few things.

Anyways...just wanted to share.



Anonymous said...

Interesting to see how God shows himself through a little old lady ....

Anonymous said...

aw! I love those situations.. the unlikely heroes/angels. I would have cried hands down. tough guy, whatchu sayin.