Saturday, November 19, 2005

Smile for Chuck E!

How often do you get your picture hand sketched by Chuck E. Cheese?
Check that off of my life ambitions list!


Anonymous said...

we're such creepos. but creepos with BONUS tickets.

".. can't... stop.. playing... CRAP! 'nother token... CRAP!"

The @ said...

coming from a fellow picker

you really need to work on a different facial expression...

While picking ur nose!!!


Esther Atkins said...

Thx tips..coming from the guy with such fantastic facial expressions :P

But thats okay...cuz I know you're just jealous you didn't get your face sketched by Chuck E. Cheese...

The @ said...


I'm jealous that I didn't even get to go to Chuckee Cheese.

oh and about the facial expressions, hows ur eyebrow raising going? :P

Natalie Jill said...


I don't know you but you're a friend of a friend of mine. I was visiting Danette Downton this past weekend and she was showing my photos from Scarborough and she said your name. I knew that I heard it before but I didn't know where. Then, I looked at Paul's friends list and there you were.

So there you are, we're connected by one degree of seperation.

BTW, you totally lived out one of my dreams. I have never eaten at a Chuck E. Cheese.

Esther Atkins said...

wow thats so crazy!! I love Danette and miss having her around Scarborough! Her cousin is one of my best friends.

Salvation Army is such a small world.

Peter Park // LionRock said...

And you laughed at me for my picture... well, I hope your finger gets stuck while you pick your nose HA HA HA HA (I really don't) I FART IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION~! *fart* HA HA HA HA!