Saturday, March 04, 2006

Brilliant like a fox!

I've come to the end of week three, and spending some time relaxing enjoying my day off.

This week was the busiest so far, but also the most enjoyable. We had a Ball Monday night at 614 that was run by loads of volunteers and heaps of donations. It was a free event, held for anyone in the community who wanted to come. We had hair stylist and make up artists come in to make over anyone who wanted it. We also had tons of suits and dresses and shoes for people to come in and try on and wear to the Ball. A few of us Order members decided we weren't going to get dressed up but just help out...but once we got started looking at all the dresses...we couldn't resist getting all dolled up. It proved to be an absolutely amazing night, and was a real chance for people from the community and from our drop in centre to look and feel beautiful and just dance the night away. We had a well known football player come and host a "dance off" and a fantastic house band play as we ate our dinner. I've put up about 40 pictures from the night on my
msn space so definitely check those out. It was an awesome chance to just bond with my Order team members, as well as to just have a lot of fun with clients that we work with every day.

We also had safe syringe disposal training this past week, and an overview on mental health. The syringe training got a bit interesting when one of my team members fainted due to a combination of lack of sleep and getting put off by all the talk of needles and blood...but she recovered quickly and after a good rest that night had a full recovery.

Things are starting to come together for the kids team that I am apart of. I was asked if I could be one of three to help teach Junior soldiers at 614, as I'm the only Senior soldier on the Order, so I'm looking forward to that. Soon we'll have some breakfast clubs and homework clubs up and running with some of the communities that 614 began to get involved with last year. We had a very successful meeting with a primary school about getting involved with the kids there, and we're starting to get very exciting at the doors that God is opening for us this year.

I'm starting to feel a great deal more focused and on track...and a lot more like myself. I've begun to really click with several members on my team, and I'm laughing and enjoying myself a lot more. I still have moments where I feel completely lost or that I'm struggling with everything going on around me...but God is good and is pulling me through. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for me, it is so extremely appreciated. And thank you to those of you who continue to be there for me when I'm struggling and always willing to give an encouraging means so much.

Oh..I also uploaded a short video tour I took of the house I'm living it. I look quite gross in the bits I'm ignore that...but
click here if you'd like to have a look.

That's about it for now I think.



-jess- said...

Hey Chicky! I'm so happy to hear that things are going well. God answers prayer!

Thanks for your comment on my great to hear from you! Oh man do I ever have another mamoth e-mail for you...LOL. Can't wait to talk to you....I miss you more than you know!

I'm praying for you always!

Love you!


Anonymous said...

Hey darling, nice to "see" you (not gross at all!). Great idea to post a video, helps get a feel for the place.

Look forward to hearing about your Junior Soldiers!

Love you lots

Esther Atkins said...

yah stupid video cut off right before i went into my i'll have to take some pix of my room i think...

Anonymous said...

hey hon. Awesome to see you live an in action.

Let us know how many juniorsoldiers and we'll send you something for them.

Glad you're getting your pace and feeling more comfortable.

You are greatly missed. Often thought of. And on the top of alot of people's prayer list.

Yah prayer.

awesome to see your "hostel", home away from home.

love you

Anonymous said...

Nice Shirt, Eh!

Glad to see that you are doing well. Turning 40 was not the same without you.

Miss you lots.