Sunday, March 06, 2005

Does God's grace define you?

"God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it." - Eph. 2:8-9

I've read this passage before, but for some reason it stuck out to me today when I came across it.

It's sad how easily we can get caught up in doing good works, or boasting about what a fabulous Christian we are, or judge others based on if they're following the rules and guidelines we think have to be followed in order to be in God's favor. And the truth is, we have absolutely no right at all to boast, gloat, or brag that because of some good deed that we did, or because we attend church, or because we wear a WWJD bracelet, that we are going to get to Heaven. It is the accepting of God into our lives, and by His grace alone that we are saved.

I think that sometimes I get discouraged about the kind of Christian that I am. I may have someone say to me that they really see God working in my life through the leadership roles that I'm involved in..and I must say, it makes me feel good to know that. But then how quickly I get discouraged when I see and compare myself to another youth stepping up and being recognized for all the fabulous works that they are doing. I know that it is a horrible thing for me to compare myself to those around me, especially when it comes to my relationship with God...but I still fall victim to it on occasion.

As bad a thought as this might be, sometimes it almost seems that in order for someone to have a "recognized" solid relationship with God, they need to be "known" for their good works...for all the events, retreats or meetings they attend...for all the leadership roles that they are in...for all of their fantastic talents that are being used for the ministry of the kingdom. I'm not saying that it matters whether or not people know who I am or what I do in order for me to have a strong relationship with God...but it's interesting how people base their opinion about someone in regards to their "Christian walk" on how involved in things they are and how common their name is in the church circle. I think this is something I sometimes find being within the Salvation Army circle (not meant to offend...but just my thoughts...)

I think I sometimes find it difficult just to be content with the fact that I am saved. That even though I have done nothing to earn God's grace, and I'm just a stupid human who does all the wrong things...He died for me anyways because of His abounding love for all that I am. So simple really, but so difficult to wrap my mind around sometimes.

I may become discouraged when I stop and compare myself to the youth around me in the Salvation Army who can play the cornet and guitar far better then me..can sing in a worship band better and with more confidence then I ever will be able to..can use their skills of art or drama in ways that I can only admire.......but then I'm just reminded that it wasn’t by any of these things or any other acts or good deeds that earned me God's grace or my spot in Heaven. Nothing, absolutely nothing I can do will ever make me deserve salvation..yet I have it...because I've asked God into my life. I'm already need to try and impress or pretend that I'm something that I'm not.

I know that I have things about me, and talents that God has blessed me with that make me unique...I trust the Lord that He has a plan for my life, and a plan to use me just as I am. It's just been a matter of me coming to the realization that as great as "good works" great as traditions, rules, and guidelines are...none of those got any one into heaven. So why is so much more time, energy, and effort put into those..then just putting the emphasis on the fact that Jesus came to save, and through God's grace we will have eternity?

"Grace blockage. Taste but don't drink. Wet your lips, but never slake your thirst. Can you imagine such instruction over a fountain? 'No swallowing please. Fill your mouth but not your belly.' Absurd. What good is water if you can't drink it? And what good is grace if you don't let it go deep?

Do you? What image best describes your heart? A water drenched kid dancing in front of an open fire hydrant? Or a bristled desert tumbleweed? Here is how you know. One question. Does God's grace define you? Deeply flowing grace clarifies, once and for all, who we are.
You know you aren't who they say you are. You are who God says you are. Spiritually alive. Heavenly positioned. Connected to the Father. A billboard of mercy. An honored child.

In His hands, a mistake becomes a masterpiece.

Who determines your identity? What defines you? The day you were dropped? Or the day you were carried to the King's table?" (Max Lucado - Come Thirsty)

"By the grace of God I am what I am." - 1 Cor 15:10

1 comment:

-jess- said...


I couldn't agree more....I definately feel like that a alot!