I have a friend who's said to me on more then one occasion that he doesn't take life too seriously, because too many people already do.
Do you ever get so caught up in what you're doing that you forget to smile? Does school, work, people, projects, or life take up so much of your time that you become grim faced and forget what laughter sounds like?
Deadlines are important...getting a paycheck is often vital...and getting projects in on time is definitely a good thing. But don't let that absorb up everything that you are, or became all you do.
It really is the simple things in life that make it worth living. And I know so many people say that, but do you actually live that out? Do you actually make the time for the simple things? The things that make you smile? The things that you know makes other people smile?
So if you can't recall the last time you let out a deep gut wrenching laugh, or you've forgottern how to curve your lips into that thing called a smile...take a break. Go smell the roses. Walk through the grass with no shoes on. Watch a funny movie. Spend time with people who make you tear up from laughing so hard.
Live life...or you're going to miss it.